Friday, July 5, 2013

You either care or you do not. Half measures wasted.

I needed to acquire some credits to maintain my license.  One workshop presented a client, angry as the result of being forced into a nursing home because of lack of resource.  Treatment plan created; reduce anger 30%.  Client only makes it to 10%.  In order to serve the greater numbers it is concluded client has reached max and good is good enough.  Now, this is just an example - but - no where was it mentioned if an in-depth assessment has been completed.  Did they rule out dementia?  Did they rule out clinical depression?  Did they identify any other resources or options for this client?  NO.  In the end, while clients anger was reduced, nothing really was resolved.  I would like to think that those who work with others can imagine, can put themselves into another person shoes.  Would I be angry where I in this client's shoes?  Of course.  Half hearted treatment efforts produce half hearted results.  The treatment plan did NOT, I assert, meet the client where they're at.  The end result was wasted time and money b/c the clients' anger will continue b/c it has not been resolved.  Contrary to popular opinion, it can be with a caring therapist who aids him in facing his developmental issues, his fear of helplessness, and making sense in the winter of his world.  When did we stop caring?  Can we bring caring back?

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