Thursday, July 25, 2013

What does it say?

President Bush shaves his head to support a two year old struggling with leukemia.  The kiddos dad is a secret service agent; employed full time, doing a dangerous job, and his healthcare program does not cover medical expenses.

What does this say?  Nothing good for sure.

Can you imagine your two year old child at death's door and having to rely on donations to pay for the proper medical care?  What a nightmare!  The parents have worked hard, done the right things and they cannot afford to pay for this kiddos medical care.

An Alexandria VA policeman, shot in the head on the job, has to have family members ask for donations to pay for his medical care.

These are but two examples.  I am sure if you looked across the United States you could find many, many more.

We can raise funds to build sports complexes, but, we won't invest in affordable health care.

Healthcare should not be a business.  It should be a part of life.  And our taxes should go to that ... not supporting the billions of dollars we spend every year in foreign countries.  What could we do with the 37 Billion dollars sent to Pakistan?  Take care of our own.

What does that say?

Who is on first?

When will we learn?

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