Monday, July 29, 2013


Complicated subject.

How do we determine the need for change?  Humans are complex but for most  people become willing to change only when the discomfort of where they are at is so great it overcomes the fear of change.

All change is frightening.  Why?  Because we don't know what the change will look like; feel like or even what all the change demands to unfold.

The Irish have a wonderful saying that shows what I mean:  "Better then devil you know than one you don't."

Change is demanding.  Non-change is safe and besides we human adapt even to pain and our coping skills will covertly make pain more manageable.

But, life happens.  Change is not optional  because at different points we all must change.

Better to lessen your fear of change and embrace possibility; not the devil you know!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

What does it say?

President Bush shaves his head to support a two year old struggling with leukemia.  The kiddos dad is a secret service agent; employed full time, doing a dangerous job, and his healthcare program does not cover medical expenses.

What does this say?  Nothing good for sure.

Can you imagine your two year old child at death's door and having to rely on donations to pay for the proper medical care?  What a nightmare!  The parents have worked hard, done the right things and they cannot afford to pay for this kiddos medical care.

An Alexandria VA policeman, shot in the head on the job, has to have family members ask for donations to pay for his medical care.

These are but two examples.  I am sure if you looked across the United States you could find many, many more.

We can raise funds to build sports complexes, but, we won't invest in affordable health care.

Healthcare should not be a business.  It should be a part of life.  And our taxes should go to that ... not supporting the billions of dollars we spend every year in foreign countries.  What could we do with the 37 Billion dollars sent to Pakistan?  Take care of our own.

What does that say?

Who is on first?

When will we learn?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Orwell's 1984

It's coming to pass you know.  Trust me when I say this.

Insurance companies have eradicated the field of Psychiatry.

PCP's untrained are left to provide prescriptions for medications in patients for which they have little knowledge.  Take the case of depression.  It has a wide scope of difficulties.

Studies for years show that the most effective treatment is a combination of medication and talk therapy.  Sounds great, right?  Well, not exactly.  Clinical depression cannot be elevated in most that quickly.  Sure patient attitudes play a role and thinking positively plays a role.  Meds can play a role.  Therapy distinctly needs to play a role.  Why?  Because self-defeating attitudes, behaviors, and environments play a huge role in clinical depression.  Further, if there have been any past traumas that are unresolved can play a major difficulty in successful treatment.  For this patient therapy takes on greater and longer needs.  How does one tell what the need is for a patient?  A specially trained professional.

Insurance companies are removing those professionals as no longer necessary.  Psychiatric beds in hospitals are nearly a thing of the past.  You know what that accomplishes?  Street people who often merely end up in jail.


Insurance companies have now developed behavioral health NOT psychiatry.  In other words they have brought the mental health world to its knees.  How?  Because algorithms now determine what kind of treatment you will receive.  And if there are complications do you know what will happen?  The patient will be blamed for failing to follow treatment recommendations.  And the patient's failure will provide the basis for denial of services.

Those in need of services will be abandoned for their failures and only the rich will be able to obtain services.

Why do I mention 1984?  Well - the state of Virginia has now partnered with INOVA to build a computer system that tracks a patient's every move, collating doctor's appointments, recommended treatments and outcomes.  Sounds lovely right?  Makes sense, right?

Does it really?  Because it contains the ability to justify denying medical benefits.  It means that that information is out there for anyone who wants it because no system is hack proof .... NO MATTER what "they" say.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Treyvon Martin's death is a tragedy .

Zimmermon will forever have to live with the responsibility for his death.


America needs to come to the table to deal with racism.  It may be more subtle, more sophisticated than ever before.

But it is alive and well.

I worked with a kiddo of mixed race b/c they were depressed.  At a local high school this kiddo did not fit anywhere.  Remember the nightmare of school and how cruel kids can be?  They weren't black enough to be black and oh yes, they were too white (in manner and speech).  It caused massive pain for this kiddo.

And this kiddo is not alone.  There are many mixed racial kiddos surviving the battle, but, quite wounded.

Wake up!  America Wake up!   Our society (and most others as well) foster, support, and even sometimes encourage racism.  We need to stop.  Children are just children and they need our direction.  They need love intertwined with a Healthy discipline.  Inappropriate behavior has to stop being "ok".

We need to address our fears.  Fear fosters racism.

Guns need to be limited.  Wow, most think that a dirty word.  Is it?  Look at the deaths caused so needlessly b/c American society embraces guns.  Martin would not be dead if Zimmerman hadn't had a gun!  They would have hurt each other to be sure.  But they would probably both be alive.   I am convinced racism played a huge role in that battle for the two of them.  But the gun played the biggest role.

Neither Martin or Zimmerman appear to have been prepared to work through conflict or difference of opinion.  The conflict was out of control before it ever began b/c of racism and fear.

My question is this:  what can we take from this tragedy to make things different, better, to honor Martin's wasted death?  Racism in America is a ticking time bomb ... and it's not only Blacks and Whites but it's all minorities.  Black and White is merely the longest conflict we know of. And it is the most intense.  A person is a person regardless of color, creed, culture, religion or anything else.

Lest we explode, let us all take a moment.  Pray to the God of our understanding, serendipity or what ever our core belief is so that each of us, one by one, ends racism.  It is a complex problem which demands a complex solution.  Each of us must dig deep.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Big business is abusive and blood sucking.

I am tired of big business ripping us off.

I've had an iPhone since 2008.  I could stream movies from I Tunes using my 3g all this time.  Suddenly, no more.  It's demanding wifi connections.  Rip off.

Bought a box of cereal lately?  The boxes are much smaller and only 2/3rd full but they're $5 a box!  Rip off.

I love Bushes beans.  I bought a 12 oz can ... the can was filled with over 2 inches worth of sauce and only 2/3 rds of beans.  RIP Off.

And coupons.  What a joke.  Literally - Kohls leads the pack ... like Kohl's money.  Given you've spent  $ on the "sale" .... they know darned good and well that you can't come back for more ... so their "Kohl's bucks" rarely get spent!

What ever happened to a business creating something and make a decent profit ... not ripping buyers off by making it as expensive as buyers will pay?  They know buyers are stupid.  And they use it against stupid people.  Convince them it's a sale and they buy ... but if a product is marked up 250% and then marked down 50% they're still walking away with 125% profit.  That in any other terms is USERY.  Abusive.

Walmart is refusing to finish building here in DC b/c they passed a bill saying minimum wage is $12.00 an hour.  Walmart walked away b/c they refuse to pay a decent salary.  Not only that but they avoid paying people benefits, b/c desparate as stores are for workers, only Dept heads work full time so they don't have to give part time benefits!


We need to boycott these blood sucking companies.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sexuality and women.

I was watching tv today and found myself disgusted.  Absolutely beautiful women dressed in outfits so tight they leave nothing to imagine.  Being a beautiful sexy woman is not something I experienced.  I was attractive not beautiful.  Perhaps that colors my opinion.  When, long ago, I was fifteen,  I had an aunt who commented to me "You can be far more sexy and alluring with your clothes on than off.  It is an art a lady learns as she matures."

That comment served me well.  And, it is true, at least when I look at my own experiences.

Don't get me wrong.  Sex is an incredibly wonderful experience.  I've had sex for sex's sake ... that is to
"scratch the itch" and I've had sex with intimacy.  There is absolutely NO comparison.  There is nothing that compares to being held, cherished, respected, desired and loved.  NOTHING.

Learning to grow and mature into our sexuality is a journey.  When we respect ourselves we come to realize that blantant sexuality that smacks men right in the face can rarely ever become more.

A couple of years ago there was a news media article that looked at girls in the 10-12 year old age bracket having sex.  One of the comments kind of haunted me:  "I gave head because I just wanted to be wanted!"  Sad commentary, wouldn't you say?  That little girl, in my humble opinion, never experienced being wanted in her own home and because of that looks else where.  Children who are abused or abandoned do that.  We judge them oh so unfairly.  For some of them the sexual act is that only love they will ever know.  Sex and love can be distinctly separate.

Why do I say that?  Well, men, boys by their very biological make-up are programed genetically to seek sex.  Historically, women have been taught to say "NO".  They are automatically put into a "gatekeeper" as it were position.  Rightly or wrongly.  Why?  Because women are the ones who get pregnant.  A child having a child is an opportunity for continued problems.  A very few pregnant teenagers who get pregnant have the massive family support necessary to go beyond the challenges.  The average teenager pregnant does not have that kind of support.

I find myself thinking:  Suit up or show up to teaching girls to respect themselves.  A girls' sexuality is a gift, a treasure.  Help them grown into respecting themselves.  Talk about it.

That's the biggest thing:  talk and talk some more.   We do not talk.  We cannot expect girls to do this without the older women in their lives teaching, sharing, and talking.  Oversexed tv personalities promote girls not respecting themselves.

Monday, July 8, 2013

A little bit of fraud going on?

I am in the unfortunate situation of not having health insurance.

I went to refill some prescriptions.  I discovered that meds I had been paying $25.00 for through my insurance really cost $10.00.  Add that up over a period of time and it's ALOT!

I call that fraud.  I call that insurance companies ripping the American public off!

I went to refill a prescription last week - ninety days ago it cost $4.00.  Refill expense:  $120.00.  It was inexpensive for years because it was an "old" medication long on the market.  It would appear that drug companies are not making the $$$ b/c people are avoiding the more expensive (and oft dangerous medications due to contraindications) drugs.  Viola!  Pharmaceutical companies will now begin charging you more!

What's wrong with this picture?  Who is looking out for the average person?  Not the healthcare industry.  That is for sure!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ignorance is bliss.

I saw an advertisement for Wounded Warriors begging for donations so that these veterans get what they need and they earned.  It made me angry.  Don't get me wrong -- the vets who gave so much deserve all the best.  My question is this:  Why in the greatest country on earth is a vet denigrated to having to beg for services?  Shameful it is that the United States of America, who took the best that these men have to offer and then, turn its back to them.

Their needs which for the most part, despite all the noise we make about service provisions, go unserved.  And if the vet has any difficulties with mental illness or substance abuse, they are gotten rid of by the services lickety split.  Many of these people despite some difficulties make great soldiers because they can do what the average will not:  fight and fight to the death.

How many of us could watch our friends blown to bits, or horribly disfigured by brain damage, loss of limbs and go on to act normally?  NOT a one.  This kind of trauma does NOT leave you - but rather, good therapy helps a serviceman learn to make it liveable.  Is it any wonder the serviceman turns to drugs or alcohol in order to deaden the pain?  I think not.

What as a country are we doing:  criminalizing a person with a substance abuse problem.  We tell them:  "Just do not use or drink, do fun things, and you will be alright."  It's not true.  Substance dependence is a disease and it needs treatment - not just a 30 day stint in treatment, but on going.  And family members need to be a part of the process.

And though studies replicate findings indicating when a serviceman has other traumas in their lives it complicates their recovery from the horrors of war.  We spend billions ineffectively because it does not met the client where they're at and help to lift them up, restore hope, and address the substance dependence effectively.

We as a country are missing the boat when it comes to honoring these young people who have given so much!

Friday, July 5, 2013

You either care or you do not. Half measures wasted.

I needed to acquire some credits to maintain my license.  One workshop presented a client, angry as the result of being forced into a nursing home because of lack of resource.  Treatment plan created; reduce anger 30%.  Client only makes it to 10%.  In order to serve the greater numbers it is concluded client has reached max and good is good enough.  Now, this is just an example - but - no where was it mentioned if an in-depth assessment has been completed.  Did they rule out dementia?  Did they rule out clinical depression?  Did they identify any other resources or options for this client?  NO.  In the end, while clients anger was reduced, nothing really was resolved.  I would like to think that those who work with others can imagine, can put themselves into another person shoes.  Would I be angry where I in this client's shoes?  Of course.  Half hearted treatment efforts produce half hearted results.  The treatment plan did NOT, I assert, meet the client where they're at.  The end result was wasted time and money b/c the clients' anger will continue b/c it has not been resolved.  Contrary to popular opinion, it can be with a caring therapist who aids him in facing his developmental issues, his fear of helplessness, and making sense in the winter of his world.  When did we stop caring?  Can we bring caring back?